Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Am A Horrible Blogger <:(

I really should keep on top of this. I said I would. So there.

So it's been what two weeks, three weeks (ish) since coming to London and the novelty has not yet worn off. I finally got to go horseback riding today and that was a blast. A nice sunny day in Hyde Park, riding around with friends, definitely the best way to spend the morning. And before that, my day was brightened by English, where for once we did not read a confusing play (they didn't punch/stone/kill a baby in this one thank gawd). I have yet to go out to a club, and prob should at some point. I mean cmon it's London, even though I'm not really a clubbing type of person. Oh well.

Late night snacks are the best thing ever invented, especially when that snack involves experimenting with pasta. It was Aaron's fault; he totally started cooking and got me all hungry. But after throughing together some lemon garlic sauce thing i must admit I am a genius. Sooo delicious. Now if only I can remember what I put in there....

Exams are coming up, yuck, and its time to put those study skills i developed to good use. I shall not procrastinate! I will be good and get things a few minutes. Oh for the good ole high school days when you could write a paper the period before it was due and still get an A... ahhhhhhhh. Oh well. Lion King tonight with the gang! Gonna be a blast. and I think this Tuesday we go see Ghost Stories for english, which is essentially a creepy horror movie only in play form. Should be fun!